configure error

解庆春 xieqingchun at
Fri Mar 14 09:53:44 UTC 2014

if configue operation is like this:
          ./configure --prefix=/home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3/gmp_install/ --build=alpha CC=swcc CFLAGS="-msimd  -I/usr/sw/swcc/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-swcc-linux/2.2.25-302/include -O3 -OPT:IEEE_arith=1 " --disable-assembly
the result is :
checking compiler swcc -msimd  -I/usr/sw/swcc/gcc-lib/alpha-swcc-linux/2.2.25-302/include -O3 -OPT:IEEE_arith=1  ... yes
while if configue operation is like this:
          ./configure --prefix=/home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3/gmp_install/ --build=alpha CC=swcc CFLAGS="-msimd -openmp  -I/usr/sw/swcc/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-swcc-linux/2.2.25-302/include -O3 -OPT:IEEE_arith=1 " --disable-assembly
the rsult is :
         checking compiler swcc -msimd -openmp  -I/usr/sw/swcc/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-swcc-linux/2.2.25-302/include -O3 -OPT:IEEE_arith=1  ... no, program does not run
         configure: error: could not find a working compiler, see config.log for details

what is the problem? if the compiler swcc does not support the Optimize options openmp?

thanks for your reply.     


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